Sierras of Cazorla, Segura and Las Villas
The Sierras of Cazorla, Segura and Las Villas form a natural park that is situated in the east and northeast of the Andalusian province of Jaén and the mountain ranges are part of the Sistema Prebético, the most northern mountain range of the Baetic System. It is the biggest protected area of Spain and one of the areas most visited by tourists.
The landscape is just overwhelming: spectacular limestone formations, profound gorges, rugged peaks with wide views and a very diverse vegetation. The area is also abundant with water and one of Spain´s main rivers originates here: the Guadalquivir.
As the name of the natural park indicates, it consists of various mountains ranges, such as the Sierra de Cazorla, the Sierra de Segura and the Sierra de Las Villas. The biggest part of the natural park - about 80% - though is formed by the Sierra de Segura.