This hike departs from Robledondo, a tiny village in the most western part of the province of Madrid. Here the mountains are low and slanted, which makes it a very easy hike. At the beginning and the end of the hike we walk via a dirt road with a wide view over Robledondo, the Sierra Oeste de Madrid and further to the west the Sierra de Gredos. The middle part of the hike takes us past the pine trees of the Pinarejo, from where we have a spectacular view on the depression of the river Aceña.
- We start the hike (1) by leaving the village, going back into the direction that we came from by car, towards the Puerto de la Paradilla. Just before the road starts to descend again we enter a road on the left side (2). Initially this road is paved and runs over a cattle grid.
- We follow this path for a long time and start to win altitude. At about 1,600 metres we reach an open space and cross another trail (3). Here we continue straight on.
- In front of us on the left we see the reservoir of La Aceña. Further on at a big Y-junction (4) we turn left, going downhill. We now follow this trail until we approach a forest. We ignore a trail on the right and enter the forest, the Pinarejo. We now walk past a barrier and next reach a crossing with at the left a forest trail and at the right a gravelled path, which we enter (5).
- We leave the forest and reach an open space where we continue straight on. Next at the brooklet Arroyo del Hornillo we reach a Y-junction (6), where we turn left, into the forest again.
- Now we keep following this trail until we eventually return to the junction where earlier we turned right (onto the trail that now lies at the left) (5). Now we go straight on here and return to Robledondo, via the same route as on the way out.