This hike starts from the Puerto de Canencia at 1,524 metres and is a very relaxed and easy route to two small peaks: the Peña de la Genciana and the Perdiguera. The route partially runs via a firebreak, but since this is not too steep, it is not too much of a problem. From this peak we can look round over the Sierra de la Morcuera and from the Perdiguera we can among others see the Najarra.
- From the Puerto de Canencia (1) we walk a bit further along the M-629. Still before the road on the right to the parking lot at the recreation park, we turn left onto the dirt road (2). This trail is marked red-white (GR 10.1).
- We now go through a gate and follow this trail quite some time. We ignore various side trails and keep following the red-white marking. We get past the (now closed) nature interpretation centre “Casa del Hornillo” (3) and go straight on. A bit further, past a well, we leave the trail marked red-white and turn left (4).
- A bit further on at a junction we turn left (5). We continue to ascend and further on reach another trail where we turn left (6). Next at the junction we turn right following the bend (7), indicated with a green signpost with an arrow.
- We now follow this trail all the time until we reach a fence with behind it a firebreak (8). We go through this fence and continue our route to the right, through this firebreak. Above we turn left (9), for a visit to the Peña de la Genciana (10).
- From the Peña de la Genciana we walk back to the firebreak and continue our route over this firebreak until we have the Perdiguera with the telecom mast at our left hand. We now turn left (11) leaving the firebreak and walk to the Perdiguera (12).
- From the Perdiguera we now keep left back to the firebreak. For a while we walk sort of parallel to it until we can go through the fence (13). We now walk to the firebreak, cross it and continue our route on the trail at the other side. This trail further on reaches another firebreak (14), which we cross. A bit further on we reach again the firebreak on which we walked before, where we now turn right (15).
- Further on the firebreak divides in two. Here we take the firebreak on the right, downhill (16). At the end of the firebreak we reach a trail, where we turn left (17). A bit further on at the junction (18) we turn right onto a trail that turns away with a sharp bend and further on enters the forest.
- At the next junction (19) we turn left, further downhill. We follow this trail quite some time until it terminates at the GR 10.1 (20). We turn right here, onto the trail that is marked red-white. Following this trail we reach again the trail (21) next to the nature interpretation centre “Casa del Hornillo”. We go straight on and follow the same trail as on the way out, back to the Puerto de Canencia (1).