About Marleen and Sander
Thirty years ago we started having this thing about walking in the mountains. Initially we walked particularly during our holidays in Germany, Switzerland, Spain, France and Italy. Since we have moved to Spain we go hiking near to Madrid during many weekends, and in the rest of Spain during our holidays. We have discovered that Spain is a beatifully vast country with a big diversity of mountains and scenic areas. Even close to Madrid you can be in the mountains quickly and find the peace and quiet of nature.
Half of the Iberian peninsula consists of mountains, so it is no wonder how many fantastic hikes you can undertake in Spain and Portugal. Not always are these easy to find though, and the route-finding causes problems in many occasions because of the existence of many unmarked trails and poorly maintained routes. Good information is hence crucial. To share our passion for hiking in the mountains of Spain and Portugal with other hikers, we offer at this website the best route descriptions. All hikes are suitable for people with a normal condition who do not shy away for walking a serious distance.
Being active in the middle of the overwhelming nature is what makes hiking for us such a compelling recreational activity. With this web site we hope to make the routes available in an easy and direct fashion for everybody that loves hiking. A lot of foreigners are unfamiliar with the hiking possibilities of Spain, because the country is primarily associated with holidays at the coast. Moreover, most guides are only available in Spanish. With this site we make the hikes available for an international audience, by offering the contents in Dutch, English, German, Italian and Spanish (even in Spain the hiking cannot get too much promotion).

From our own experience we know how important it is to have available all necessary practical information - such as how do I get there, where do I depart, how to not get lost, how long is the route really - before you start an excursion. Starting from that vision we have built this web site. The descriptions focus on how to find the route and providing above all practical information. We have on purpose left out elaborations on the flora and fauna, so that everybody can enjoy the beauty of nature in his own way.
This web site will grow with time, since we first walk the routes ourselves before we publish them, and sometimes adjust them to the changed circumstances. So return regularly!