This route owes its name to the old Roman trail that we encounter during this hike: La calzada romana de los tres ermitaños. Further on during this hike we walk past the always very popular Silla de Felipe II with nice views on the monastery of San Lorenzo de el Escorial. Since it is an easy hike with trails in good state and on low altitude, it is ideal for a day early in the season or in winter.
- From the car we take, with our back towards the M-505, the first street on the left (Calle de Cervantes) (1) and consecutively we enter the next street on the left (2), the Calle de Bailén. We cross the M-505 and through the small bridge we cross the Arroyo de Batán (3).
- On the other side of the bridge we follow the bend to the right onto the Camino del Chincharrón (4). Next we keep left and consecutively at the T-junction we go left again, onto the Camino de la Tierra del Molino (5).
- We follow this trail a while until we reach a railway, which has been fenced off (6). It is no problem though to walk past the fences, cross the railway and continue the trail at the other side of the railway, where we turn left ascending past the fence with “El Chincharrón” (7).
- After quite a while we walk past a small farm and arrive at an open space where we turn right (8) towards the trail we can see a little bit further on. At this trail we turn right again (9). Further on we go through the gate with the notice saying “Coto privado de caza” and further on at a fork we go to the right past the fence (10).
- When we get near the Silla de Felipe II, we walk via the rocks above taking the carved out steps (11). When we finally get at the Silla we take the small trail that on the right of the Silla goes down steeply (12), so do not take the path that runs behind the restaurant.
- Below we follow the bend to the left and where a bit further on we cross another trail we turn right going downhill (13).
- We walk downhill towards the end of this trail until we get at a picnic field (14). Here we turn right until we reach another path that is closed off with a cattle grid; here we turn right.
- At the next fork we turn left, leaving the trail (16). At the end of this path we turn right through a gate and then directly to the left crossing the railway through the bridge (17).
- At the other side of the railway we turn left again and follow this path ignoring all side paths. This takes us back to the Camino de Chincharrón (18) where we already walked at the beginning of the hike. Here we go to the left back to the bridge, cross the M-505 and take the first street on the right back to the car.