Serranía de Cuenca
The Serranía de Cuenca is a mountain landscape that lies in the northeast of the province of Cuenca and the south of the province of Teruel, in the Iberian System. It is not so much an area of high mountains but a chain of spectacular rock formations and reliefs, ravines and river gorges. In the area flow three important rivers: the Cuervo, the Escabas and the Júcar. It is a mountain area rich in woods and, because of the abundance of water, very green. It is an ideal landscape for vultures and raptors, and the woods are the habitat of many deer, wild boars and mouflons.
In the Serranía de Cuenca lies the Ciudad Encantada ("Ghost Town"), a very remarkable collection of limestone formations that have been formed over thousands of years and seem to form a city. Today it is a geological park, which can be visited against payment and lies near to Valdecabras.
On hikingiberia.com we offer various hikes in the Serranía de Cuenca. One of the hikes runs along the bank of the river Escabas in a nice gorge and after that leads to Fuertescusa. Another hike takes us through the Sierra de las Cuerdas, a mountain range in the far southeast of the Serranía de Cuenca, where we walk to the Pico de la Zorra and where we get past a number of very remarkable sandstone formations.